I never intended to do a second post about things I wish to put in Room 101, but I've had a bit of a weekend of it and I feel compelled to share it. You may have noticed that I haven't posted in a while and it's principally because I was waiting. I didn't think there was much point in continuing to update you all on the various techniques I'd employed in order to kill time; neither did I wish to comment on the uninteresting governmental updates that would affect us poor unemployed citizens.
In short I was losing interest. I was once more waiting for a communique and I was bored of it. I hate waiting - it would certainly slot well into my list of things I would pop into Room 101. But no bother, I found something else to occupy my time with - something else that would also go nicely in my Orwellian hovel of things I hate.
I got sick.
Really sick.
Like I totes chundered everywhaaaaaaar.
Even writing this post is giving me a headache and technically I've been the better side of my bug for a couple of days. I'm also writing this in my pyjamas like a proper bum. But as I said, being ill is something that I hate. I hate not being able to do the stuff I want to do, I hate feeling ill, and I hate being sick.
Despite this, I reached a peculiar conclusion. Now I don't like being sick, but I really don't like waiting around and killing time, and so even I will admit that throwing up with my head down the toilet and choking on a half-digested parsnip is preferable to watching extended Come Dine With Me marathons.
So I actually found myself something to do over the weekend. Granted it wasn't as enjoyable as say a weekend in Italy, but I didn't have to while away hours and hours filling my time with pointless exercises. Instead I lounged in front of the television for three days - I even watched all three games from the Six Nations (well two and a half, I may have fallen asleep in one of them).
So by the time Monday came round, I had filled my time quite adequately. I logged on to my emails this morning and there was nothing of interest - as per usual. As I still wasn't feeling 100% (far from it), it looks like today is going to be spent in front of the TV again while I try to kill some more time, and get a little better...
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