National unemployment is at record highs, youth unemployment is over a million - now is not the time to be 22 and looking for work.

May I introduce myself. I am 22 and looking for work. I am a recent graduate and even with all the bells and whistles that a university education can afford, I am still an unemployed bum.

This is no CV. I'm not fishing for opportunities, I just want to tell you what it's like for me and what life in the youth unemployment line really involves.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Day Two: The Pit of Despair

So with zero hour in full swing and day one of 'the week that could change my life' proving fruitless, I threw myself into day two by having a lie-in. I was recovering a little from hauling boxes about the previous day and so by the time I'd breakfasted and done a few little jobs that didn't require a computer, it was 11'o'clock.

I logged onto my emails: six new messages. I decided I would look at some other things while I worked up the courage to see whether any of the emails were 'interesting'. I checked some job sites (nothing there), I checked Facebook (one new notification that I soon dealt with), I checked to see if anything was happening in the world (it wasn't). I was ready. I checked my emails... No. Nothing of interest. I deleted four emails straight away - I don't know if these companies have been informed of the employment status, but I have no money to spend on 'the latest fashions' and even with 'massive reductions' I'm not going to shell our for TV boxsets.

Of the two remaining emails, one was from a company I submit daily surveys for on what I watch on TV (quite a lot these days considering I'm not employed). The other email was the source of great frustration following some logo design thing that I'd agreed to give feedback on with my church. I didn't necessarily think I would be giving my feedback and then having it completely ignored, but you never know, people may want to come to our church given the fact the logo looks like a clover leaf - there's always something refreshing in having inadvertent symbols of luck advertising religious institutions.

So far day two was going just as day one did, but this time I had no diversion in the afternoon to keep me occupied. No worries. My afternoon took on quite a different theme that more than kept me occupied. You see I have a deadline for another application I'm filling in - it's next Monday and after today, I haven't got a free day to do it in. My trouble is I'm not motivated. Until I get closure from the applications that are currently pending, I don't feel I can spend time on a new appliction when my head's elsewhere.

Someone close to me tried to do some motivating. It went a little along the lines of 'you're the rank outsider, so apply for this new job because you're more likely to get it.' Now I love tough love as much as the next person, but this particular breed sent me into a tearful, daytime telly-induced mope that lasted several hours.

Now I know I'm the rank outsider for the aforementioned jobs, but until I get closure, I can never move on from the thought that I might hear something positive. Maybe it's because I'm a hopeless optimist, maybe it's because I'm fervently hoping against all odds that I hear something from just one of these companies. If I don't, I have to admit defeat and as this other application is for a position starting in June, I have to get something as a stop-gap in the meantime and that's a whole other kettle of fish I know very little about.

Anyway, I found something to do with my afternoon, it just made me miserable.

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